Friday, December 10, 2010

Is My Kid Fat?

So, where ever i go, i find these kids that look like they are literally going to blow up! One day, i see these two ladies and of course each has like 20 kids. As loudly as they were speaking, i couldn't help but over hear their conversation. one says to the other "The doctor says my little Maria Guadalupe de la Luz de Jose is starting to get over weight. I don't know how, she eats very well and everything i give her" (and of course she says this while her whale of a daughter <no more than 3 years> is swallowing a whole bag of those fried pinwheels that the push cart mexicans sell.

Then the other woman, with all of her knowledge, begins to give this lady special ancient remidies so that the child will lose weight. I think one of them included duct tape, holy water, and a donkey....

 This got me thinking... how do people not know that their kid is over weight? I mean, do the endless amount of roll on their body not give it away? So, being an educated, kind, and helpfull person, i decided to help these people. I'm going to use my new blog to spread an awareness of child hood obesity... now don't click away yet... you might want to read my list of signs of a fat kid.

You know your kid is fat if:
  1. They get winded going from the couch to the dinner table
  2. Your 2 yr old beats you in a pie eating contest
  3. Your kids favorite vegetable is "Chocolate Cake"
  4. Your kid can't pronounce Veg-e-ta-ble 
  5. All your kid asks Santa for is, "for Santa to leave him some cookies"
  6. Your kid uses a jump rope as a belt
  7. Your daughter under the age of 11 has boobies
  8. Your son at any age has boobies
  9. Your kid wins "Biggest in Show" at the county fair... out of the animals
  10. Other kids call your kid "Fatty Mc Fat Ass"
  11. Your kid's second chin covers his neck
  12. Your 10yr old has Cankles
  13. And the number one way to know if your kid is fat is.... by looking at his fat ass! If you can't see that your kid has more blubber than a freakin whale, you must be fat too! You know that once you say your kid is fat, you'll have to change his diet and you'll have to lead by example! So don't give up your Super Sized Big Mac meal. Giving your kid a life expectancy of 35 yrs is ok. The world is over populated, and the faster you and your fat ass kid are knocked off, the faster we can plow over your graves to make a mini mall!
This info-mercial was brought to you by "McDonalds, we love to see you get bigger"

Now, in all seriousness, it's not bad to have a couple love handles... or a little more cushion for the pushin'... but let's try to at least give kids the choice later in life of how they want to live. Give them good foods, fruits, veggies, lean meats, and for God sake Kool Aid (no matter the fruity flavor) doesn't count as a serving of fruits. Take your kids to the park, enroll them in physical activity, or just chase their asses around the house with a freakin belt until they break a sweat! if your kid wants to eat and live an unhealthy lifestyle as an adult, well that's on them.

Thanks for tuning in.


ps, i'm going to leave your with these images to help you visualize what your kid will look like if you don't help them live a healthy life.

Chances are, these will be the only boobs he ever plays with
The plus side is, her man will have 4 boobs to play with

This child has eaten all the food is his home (look at the mom and dad, so skinny) They're off to trade him for a couple grams of crack to make the hunger subside.

Hahaha, silly Asians, you make fat people even funnier

One good thing to a fat kid, you get an all expense paid trip to NY to be on the Maury show!

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