Friday, February 18, 2011

How to Please a Man

So, I've seen a lot of woman confused as to why their man cheats, or isn't sexually attracted to them as much as she would like. So I have some things for you to think about, to really analyze the problem and hopefully find the solution.

Now, I have NEVER considered myself a looker, hell, i'm still convinced my man is blind. But i found some tricks that work for me to keep my man happy. And in the process, I'm happy too.

Let's start talking about particular problems some of my friends have and possible solutions

Your boyfriends always check out your friends and want your friends to tag along with you guys. 
Here's a couple suggestions. Get rid of your friends! Or do what I do, I have friends that my husband doesn't know about. The only ones he knows are the ones that make me look better by comparison. Keep your cuter friends for when you need to get into a VIP section, but then ditch them the rest of the night to hang with your ugly friends again. Everyone wins!
Friends only you know and get into the club with
Friends you introduce to your man so he never wants to go clubbing with you and your girls
 Your man is always late coming home
I suggest you teach your ass to cook a decent meal! Now-a-days, woman can't cook! Listen to what your grandma told you when you were younger, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. That bitch on the side might be better in bed, but I'm telling you... after working a long as day at work, he'd much rather go home to a hot homemade pot roast with roasted veggies and garlic mashed potatoes, than to some whore who is gonna give him a Big Mac w/ small fries... chances are... that bitch doesn't have a job and he'd have to pay for it... so yeah, he'd go home to you.
Hey, if you got the confidence to try this, do it! I'm sure your man will rush his ass home for this meal. This is sexy....

This is not! Don't try this! If you're confused as to what i'm talking about... look at the buns!.... ohhhh, you got it now? good, don't try this. i'm telling you from experience, i got grease burns on my ass still, and i could never find that damn pickle!
Your man is never really "in the mood"
STOP WEARING SWEATS TO BED!men are visual, keep it sexy!

This is soft, silky, comfy, acceptable
This is sexy

This is sexy

This is self explanatory
If all else fails... 

-get his ass hella drunk! He will tell you he loves you so many times, it'll make up for the fact that he cheated on you twice with your cousin.

-become so rich, it doesn't matter if he's with you for the money, you'll have your trophy bitch (make sure he signs that pre-nup!)

-my personal favorite... get into a relationship with a foreigner. you need a companion, he needs his green card. you get married, have at least a kid or two before his 2yr temporary visa is up, after the 2 yrs, he'll realize that child support is so expensive, it's cheaper to stick with you and little Pablo. It's a win win!

If anyone has anymore relationship questions, feel free to ask me.

Thanks for tuning in


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